Free Templates
These templates are designed to help you create your own custom movie posters with ease. And best of all, they're completely free!
I hope these templates help inspire your creativity and I can't wait to see what you come up with!
I understand not everyone will have the same skill level and I want these templates to be as easy to use as possible so I've made them as simplified and clear as I can.
They were made in GIMP (excluding the new Christmas template) which is a free and open source image manipulation software similar to Photoshop, but…you know…free.For my new Christmas Bauble Collection template, I made this in Photoshop. This was to make use of Photoshop’s smart layers and text effects, these features allow you to edit the movie title text and insert your own bauble image and everything will automatically change. If you don’t have Photoshop you can open the file in Photopea, Photopea is a web-based photo and graphics editor with support for Photoshop PSD files, just remember to import the fonts.
Make sure you have the fonts installed (you'll find them in the main links above) and when you open the file you'll find there is either a style guide (first layer) with all the steps you need and some tips to help, or the layers will be labeled clearly with directions to use. If anyone has any problem feel free to get in touch and I'll help how I can.
If you decide to upload your own creations to The Poster Database then add "Credit to DIIIVOY for this template" in the poster notes when uploading.
Nothing, Nada. Zero. Zip. They are FREE
There isn’t one, the only thing I ask is If you decide to upload your own creations to The Poster Database then add "Credit to DIIIVOY for this template” in the poster notes when uploading. Also stay within the style guide, which means sticking with the provided fonts and keeping within the existing design, there’s no point in making these templates community-driven for them to have different looks. That's it.
If you feel these templates have been useful and you wish to send me a tip you are more than welcome and it is very much appreciated, but it's completely up to you and there is no obligation to do so.
Alternatively, consider joining me on Patreon, this is a great way for fans to directly support my work and help me keep doing what I love; creating awesome posters. Patrons gain access to exclusive posters only available via Patreon, plus any poster requests made by patrons get priority treatment.

Step into the World of Custom Movie Poster Designs
Elevate your plex collection and bring your favourite movies to life with handcrafted custom movie posters.